NYCRA NEWS is a free, all-volunteer public educational health news source produced by the NY Cancer Resource Alliance. Our contributors, publishers, (video) producers and editors unite to create and share current information related to health, wellness and the current state of our medical community at large. We collaborate with experts, researchers and health agencies to provide our readers with confirmed materials and resources to be shared throughout our network of partner foundations and cancer organizations.
FIGHTING RECURRENCE WITH POSTOP SCANNING 8/6/2024- Dr. Robert Bard (Bard Diagnostic Imaging) and Cheri Ambrose (President of the Male Breast Cancer Global Alliance) jointly launched the RECURRENCE DETECTION SCANS program- a life-saving diagnostic program in support of recurrence prevention.
"Due to a significant number of cancer recurrence cases (estimated 25-30% according to the NIH) either before or after the 5 year 'cancer free' mark, we established a comprehensive and personalized diagnostic strategy for tracking potential RECURRENCE. We also wanted to send a message to maintain proactive vigilance after surgery", says Dr. Bard. (click to read complete feature at the HEALTH RESOURCE DIGEST)
Go "EARLIER" with EARLY DETECTION (for women ages 20-40)
MEET ALEXANDRA "ALLIE" FIEDERLEIN, (23)- a voice for her generation is in crisis with little or no access to breast cancer screening/early detection. She is witness to "the increasing numbers of breast cancer cases in our country. The women in this generation also happens to be the next group that falls prey to being UNDERDIAGNOSED. Insurance companies and the medical community have made little or no action to support or identify the need for women in their 20's and 30's to be approved for standardized early detection / breast cancer screening." According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), women ages 45 to 54 and post-menopausal years are required to get mammograms every year. But for the underserved ages (20-40), the risk for breast cancer exists in growing numbers. (See full report | Video)
PROCLAMATION: 9/27 Is World Dense Breast Tissue Day. Presented by Santa Clara County (CA) Supervisor Joe Simitian (Dist. 5) Joe Simitian to Joe Cappello
9/19/2023- Colleagues and members of the public, you'll recall of course that just last week, we adjourned our meeting in memory of Nancy Cappello, who passed away almost five years ago now. And it provided an opportunity for our board to reflect on Nancy's extraordinary work over literally decades. We also took the opportunity at our last meeting to express our formal support for the Find It Early Act which is an effort at the national level congressional level to take the next step in terms of addressing the cancer risk of women with dense breast tissue. Today, we are calling out the formal acknowledgement of World Dense Breast Tissue Day. And the reason for that, Joe, and colleagues and members of the public is to ensure that we take advantage of this opportunity to identify September 27th as World Dense Breast Tissue Day, so that members of the public will have the information, the knowledge, the power that Nancy Cappello thought they were entitled to all those years ago. (See full event coverage)
Profiling the Dense Breast Paradigm: ESTROGEN VS INFLAMMATION Written by: Dr. Roberta Kline.
9/18/2023- As an Ob-Gyn physician and genomics specialist, I have spent the better part of 10 years translating research in the genomic and gene expression areas into clinically usable information for healthcare professionals. One of the biggest challenges we face when connecting research with patient care is the long delay in the translation process and dissemination of the information. It often takes 10 to 20 years for information (validated findings) that comes out of research to be applied in clinical practice. These delays result in many lost opportunities to provide better care for our patients. This is one of the reasons why I'm really passionate about accelerating this process and making it easier for clinicians and their patients to take advantage of cutting-edge information and new technologies. (See full issue)
The Latest Advancement in Early Detection of OVARIAN CANCER
9/18/2023- According to the Society for Women's Health Research, Over 20,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer this year in the United States and women have a 92% chance of surviving for five years post-diagnosis. However, more than three-fourths of women are not diagnosed until later stages." [1] Abnormal ovaries are often benign simple cysts, however the complex cysts are classifiable with the new ultrasound scoring system as to how suspicious they may be. The same way we detect prostate tumors by routine yearly ultrasound screening in high risk patients, we could save many lives because sometimes the first sign of ovarian cancer is a gland in the neck that pops up, a mass under the arm or jaundice because the liver is filled with metastatic tumor. (SEE FULL ARTICLE)
From the publishers of ANGIO-RESEARCH, THE WELLNESS JOURNAL and the WOMEN'S DIAGNOSTIC NETWORK NEWS comes a consortium of IPHA'S top professional contributors in women's health & wellness advocacy. Subscribe to our latest community E-news forum and get the insiders news on pain therapeutics, diagnostics and lifestyle upgrades. We welcome special guest contributors from all modalities of healing - from practitioners, product innovators and researchers. Also, gain valuable insight from success stories of real people and their experience with WHAT WORKED for them! Check back with us soon to get front row access to our latest headlines. Visit:
Cousin Sal Goes WHOLE-BODY MRI
8/8/2023- Ret. FDNY Sal Banchitta signs in to experience his Whole Body MRI from Prenuvo, NYC- a state of the art imaging company founded out of Vancouver, Canada. As one of the founding cancer awareness producers of NYCRA (NY Cancer Resource Alliance and F.A.C.E.S. (Firefighters Against Cancers & Exposures), Mr. Banchitta gladly accepted the invitation to receive this complete body scan as part of his pursuits of a base line for future scans and a preventative measure against cancer. "My mission alongside my fellow advocates is to learn about the latest modalities in diagnostics and treatment to bring awareness about cancer resources to the rescue community", says Sal. (See full article) also see: MEET PRENUVO
In 2014, Imaging Technology News (ITN) introduced breast cancer survivor-turned-crusader Dr. Nancy Cappello and her story about having dense breast tissue leading to a late-stage cancer. A false negative mammography scan (diagnosed in 2004) concealed a large 2.5 cm suspicious lesion, which was later confirmed to be stage 3c breast cancer. This same cancer had metastasized to 13 lymph nodes. This sparked Dr. Cappello to create the "Are You Dense?" Foundation- an international awareness crusade to better support dense breast diagnostics and initiatives pass legislation to enact laws requiring mammography centers to inform patients about their breast density and the associated cancer risks. Dr. Cappello passed away on Nov 15, 2018, from secondary myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), a bone marrow cancer that was a complication of her prior aggressive breast cancer treatments. But she ignited a legacy of fighting for improved policies, imaging technologies and advanced research to better address this health crisis that puts the est. 40% of the female population (women with dense breasts) at risk of a false negative reading.
DR. DAVID MINKOFF AND INSULIN POTENTIATION THERAPY The NY Cancer Resource Alliance and the Integrative Pain Healers group spotlights the work of David Minkoff, M.D. co-founder of LifeWorks Wellness Center (Clearwater, FL)- recognized as one of the largest alternative medical clinics in the US. Dr. Minkoff has spent decades in the practicing in the areas of pediatrics, infectious disease and integrative medicine. This exclusive report about an alternative cancer therapeutic protocol is called IPT or INSULIN POTENTIATION THERAPY. IPT is widely applied and supported by some of the top integrative cancer treatment experts like Dr. Jesse Stoff (Onco-Immunologist). Dr. Minkoff has recorded significant success with this program and is underway the launch an expansion project to train other doctors on the science of IPT.(See feature article)
Book Review: A Sneak Peek at FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS By: Dr. Roberta Kline
This comprehensive and detailed report explores the field of molecular biology by focusing on the dynamic aspects such as gene transcription, translation, regulation of gene expression and protein–protein interactions. Dr. Kline's academic mastery- "The Road to Personalized Healing Starts with FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS" took over 10 years in the making and is in the final stages of development for a September 2022 launch. Dr. Kline will be presenting a series of talks about this project and will be sharing several chapters to the public as part of her virtual book tour. (See our complete feature)
The 10th Year Anniversary of "GET CHECKED NOW!" By: Drew Prestiani
May 22, 2012, the Signorile Family Charitable Fund donated an undisclosed gift to the NY Cancer Resource Alliance to launch the educational and advocacy project to promote vigilance and proactivity in getting regular checkups. Aptly called "GET CHECKED NOW!", this program supported the outreach to cancer orgs, community groups and patient advocates to drive the message loud and clear about CANCER PREVENTION. "The Button" has become a symbol for many preventionists from fire safety speakers (like Dan Noonan, Ret FDNY) to Responder Resilience (podcast) to many oncologists and immunologists worldwide. The phrase emhasizes "NOW" because when it comes to cancer, time is of the greatest essence. And "GETTING CHECKED" states that there are many available options for diagnostics- from imaging to genetic testing to blood work.(press release TBA)
6/25/2022- Having received several lifetime achievement awards in one year is indicative of the vast achievements of Dr. Robert Bard. He is celebrated in major circles for his countless clinical findings and his unending drive to advance the medical and academic communities to support integrative health sciences and the non-invasive movement. Starting with his credentials as a cancer imaging specialist, Dr. Bard is also heavily committed to a bevy of critical roles in the future of patient care including: validation research, education in non-invasive modalities for the medical community, technical advisor to countless health organizations and a nationally recognized advocate for firefighters' safety against environmental toxic exposures. Dr. Bard attributes his career in radiology to the US Air Force, having served in military hospitals... (Click to see full feature)
Welcome A Safe & Effective Scanning Solution for Children- From BOO BOOS to BREAKS to the most complex disorders, get PEACE OF MIND with an advanced supplemental scan for a primary or second opinion or to detect other potential (unforeseen) issues that may be related to the initial problem. Regularly scheduled checkups, monitoring and supplemental scanning are all part of our patients' lifestyles under early detection and prevention. For our younger generation of patients, more doctors have grown to rely and collaborate with us for our effective and non-invasive scanning advancement to deliver the most comprehensive reports on our patients' issues and potential complications that may come from them.. (See our complete feature)
Editorial: "UNDERDIAGNOSED WOMEN"- Historically, there is substantial evidence of gross disregard and dismissive response on the part of the medical establishment in the way women have been diagnosed. From Gilda Radner who died of ovarian cancer remission to Dr. Nancy Cappello (a startlingly similar case of professional inefficiency and neglect) who was diagnosed with stage 3C breast cancer in 2004 from a mis‐read mammogram, critics have speculated a vast array of reasons for this ‐ from professional carelessness and laziness to blatant sexism (and other forms of discrimination) to a lack of updated education in current research. But whatever the reasons may be, the lack of performance and attention in the hands of the medical diagnostician have resulted in tremendous danger to the patient. The most extreme cases of this underdiagnosing led to major health disorders and even death due to false negatives and missed conclusions from physicians and radiologists. (See our complete feature)
11/9/2021- The NY Fire Bell Club held its second annual meeting at the NYC Fire Museum on Spring Street- an historical landmark for "the city's bravest". FDNY's own Ret. FF Dan Noonan, responder/survivor and crusader for the 1975 NY Tel Exchange Fire. Since 1975, Dan Noonan has tirelessly promoted and echoed "the many lessons learned" from the department's most challenging disasters. He and many voices from the fire service considered the NY Tel Exchange Fire "our First 9/11" - clearly voicing an overwhelmingly different type of disaster as far as its after-effects and the many layers of damage both to the city and to the responders, communication workers and the residents in the immediate area. (See complete article in FRCR NEWS)
JOE KNOWS DENSITY... Meet our latest partner in the pursuit of global cancer awareness; JOE CAPPELLO co-founder of the "Are You Dense?" Foundation and crusader for dense breast detection. Thanks to his organization's support and aligned mission, we had great success on our first official dense breast screening day. Check out his test-drive of the INVENIA ABUS, showcasing the latest in supplemental breast scanning technology. "It's completely safe, and I felt NO PAIN at all... it is so accurate- the highest tech in dense breast scanning today!" (see Joe's Video as shared in social media)
DID YOU KNOW... -before TESLA became the household word for the next generation of automobile, medical historians and publishers often attribute the Godfather of electrical transduction therapy to NIKOLA TESLA (1856-1943) for his pioneer work in advanced electromagnetic field frequency. They align the success of non-invasive treatment innovations including the Pulsed Elecromagnetic Field Thereapy (PEMF) and the Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the philosophy of implementing electgromagnetic fields to stimulate cells. It is this same paradigm in patient care technology that enforces the very backbone of holistic and non-surgical ("no more scalpel") movement. (see complete MedTech review #1 on PEMF and the mini-feature by Patrick Ziemer)
RUNNING THE TORCH OF A DENSE BREAST CANCER CHAMPION 8/16/2021- In 2004, Dr. Nancy Cappello led a crusade for dense breast legislation when she got that false negative back in 2003 from her mammogram. She later found that she actually had stage 3C breast cancer after a second opinion with an ultrasound. Dr. Cappello was not diagnosed until it had reached an advanced stage, and she died of an infection related to the chemotherapy and radiation she received in 2004. Today, Dr. Noelle Cutter drives the spirit behind Dr. Cappello's mission for early cancer detection for women- and the continued pursuit to expand the current screening standards (see full video 1)
10/9/2021- Joe Cappello, Director and Co-Founder of The "Are You Dense?" Foundation welcomes new powerhouse researchers at the NYCRA ZoomRoom with Dr. Robert L Bard (NYC cancer imaging specialist) and Dr. Noelle Cutter, co-P.I. on the 2021 Dense Breast Research program at Molloy College. (See the 10/9 AYD Powermeet series on Dense Breast Research)
The directors of the NY Cancer Resource Alliance and the AngioFoundation launches the FHPMA (Functional Health & Pain Management Alliance). This professional collaborative group of pain and injury healers includes: clinical specialists, therapeutic technologists, diagnosticians and diagnostic innovators, public educators, advocates and other vital resources dedicated to supporting the medical art of physiological care. The FHPMA promotes the spirit of education, network-building and project partnerships, united through the bond of synergy and the common drive to make a difference. We contribute to the society of next-generation patient care through alliances, brainstorming and the integration of talents and solutions. We also support public awareness through educational projects, advocacy, joint research and sharing all useful information for public good. (
THE 2021 CANCER POWERMEET SERIES: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH RISKS April 4, 2021 - The Integrative Cancer Resource Alliance launches the first virtual town-hall style video meeting called The 2021 Cancer PowerMeet series. This interactive event is part of a set of panel-driven meetings covering the topics of OCCUPATIONAL TOXIC EXPOSURES and SURVIVORSHIP AFTER THE JOB - with a list of prominent guests from the Medical and First Responders' communities. Headliners for this event include nationally recognized spokesman for fire safety and fire rescue veteran from the 1975 NY Tel Fire & 9/11 DAN NOONAN. Alongside Mr. Noonan is 35+ year cancer medical imaging professor DR. ROBERT BARD (NYC) + associate director of the First Responders Cancer Resource Group and active duty responder in 9/11 Sal Banchitta. Together, they all share their powerful experiences about notable disasters in history, answering targeted questions from a panel of top members in the cancer care community steering public awareness and education about prevention and early detection as part of I.C.R.A.'s "Get Checked Now!" program. (SEE ARTICLE & VIDEO - LINK)
Source: First Responders Cancer Resource Newsletter JOB-RELATED TOXIC EXPOSURES (BURN PITS, FIRE EMERGENCY SERVICE) Feb. 27, 2021 - The effects of Burn Pits are being compared to other known military health cases like the wide exposure to Agent Orange from Viet Nam- as well as the many cancer cases caused by disasters like 9/11. - "...Unlike exposure to Agent Orange, VA does not consider any disabilities presumptively associated with exposure to burn pit smoke. Therefore, post-9/11 veterans filing claims for service connection must obtain a medical opinion stating that their condition is at least as likely as not a result of their exposure to burn pit smoke. VA adjudicates burn pit claims on a case-by-case basis in which the decision is based on the facts unique to each claim." (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Source: MedTech Reviews GOING GLOBAL WITH NYCRA-NEWS Mar. 15, 2021 - Health providers and educators at the European Pandemic front and Cancer Care societies, in support of global information sharing- aligned with NYCRA-NEWS, expressing complete support of a global health initiative. NYCRA-TV is forming international partnerships and alliances starting with our first Italian translated video of our top NYC cancer diagnostic expert Dr. Robert Bard with this trailer from his 2021 presentation on cancer diagnostic innovations. (SEE video clip). "This is the start of a collaborative union between countries to exchange information from our respected fields... and drive an inspired bond, presenting the best of what a global coalition of caregivers and scientists can bring!"- states Cheri Ambrose, co-producer of the upcoming program "Notizei Globali- IT (Global Health News) "
Source: Prevention101 THE PULSE OXIMETER: THE NEXT COVID TREND IN HOME HEALTH TESTING? Jan. 23, 2021 - According to a report from the, "Pulse oximeters started to fly off store (and online) shelves when people learned that low oxygen saturation levels can be a sign of COVID-19. The logic is that shortness of breath, a symptom of the disease, may not be easy—or even possible—for a person to reasonably self-assess. What’s more, doctors report that some COVID-19 patients suddenly develop a condition called “silent hypoxia,” where people look and feel comfortable—and don’t notice any shortness of breath—but their oxygen levels are dangerously low. It happens to patients both in the hospital and at home, but it is a particular problem in the latter case because the symptom may indicate severe COVID-19-related pneumonia, requiring a ventilator. That’s why some people may want or need to monitor their oxygen saturation levels at home." (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Source: HealthScanNYC DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT OF INHALED TOXINS Mar. 4, 2021 - The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are usually non-specific. In patients with unclear neurological symptoms and possible exposure, carbon monoxide should be urgently considered as a differential diagnosis. The treatment aims in particular to prevent long-term harms, such as cortical dysfunction, Parkinson‘s syndrome, Parkinson‘s disease, dementia, cardiac complications, as well as reduce mortality in the long term. All patients with symptomatic carbon monoxide poisoning should be treated with 100% oxygen as soon as possible. In severe cases of fire fume intoxication, combined poisoning with CO and cyanides should be considered. The evidence for the benefit advantage of hyperbaric oxygen is weak in view of the heterogeneity of the available studies. The decision in favor of HBOT seems sensible in severe CO intoxication or in pregnant women. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Source: Journal of Modern Healing THE KIRBY PROJECT: RESOLVING THE DEADLY PRICE TAG OF CANCER MEDS Nov. 28, 2020 - NYCRA News connected with Mr. Kirby Lewis, a 2x cancer victim and a survivor-crusader. He and a handful of community leaders are framing a grassroots outreach program to explore new solutions to making cancer drugs accessible and affordable. "I came from a family that did not believe in hording, excess or wasting anything useful. This is why it hurts to see my massive stockpile of unused cancer drugs from my episodes of treatment under the bathroom sink. When I think about so many people out there who truly need and cannot afford any of this, I am compelled to find a way to save those lives through the redistribution of these meds. I'd like to add that as a military vet, I am blessed with benefits to acquire my treatments and these drugs at no charge or a much reduced charge than most- where some of these doses cost in excess of $20-30,000 a shot.". (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Fight Recurrence Intro
Vintage Video: Long Island Fundraising
Survivor Spotlight: "Enough Biopsies!"
SPEARHEAD JOINT MEDIA PROGRAM Mar. 4, 2021 - A recent review of these docs by has earmarked recent achievements by Dr. Bard and Dr. Chagares under their own specialties - earning them the "Prevention101 2021 Top Cancer Docs Award". Dr. Bard received great acclaim for his work with 9/11 survivors and was nominated for this recognition by the directors of the First Responders Cancer Resource Group Dr. Chagares' made news headlines as a pioneer in his expertise as the first American to conduct the robotic-guided mastectomy for both a female and also a male patient. They reunited under a research project to "amp up patient knowledge about their diagnoses in an upcoming video series ... (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Our current global health concerns have greatly added to the need for better safety precautions- especially in caring for the many immuno-compromised patients. The medical community has the benefit of a wide array of web-based options for a digital health alternative. Our growing community of TELEMED PARTNERS are medical practitioners, pain healers, specialists and health centers who are supporters of the positive use of current communication and imaging technologies to widen their ability to help their patients. Creating a united alliance of like-minded caregivers have helped assemble the information that we now have to help one another with their patients and ours. Together, we aspire to offer more ways for patients to get access to the help they need while employing efficient and safer alternatives to receiving professional health care. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
July 13, 2020 PORTABLE DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING DRIVES THE "SEEING IS BELIEVING" GEN-Z MOVEMENT A survey of recent med-school graduates (of 2020), recently certified Emergency Responders and front-line recruits from New York nursing programs stamps a distinctly future-bound vision for diagnostic methodologies and treatment protocols. "This is a generation that did not experience life without the internet or the smart phone", and whose views of patient care is most often fast-tracked by current innovations and sustainable alternatives that boldly paved the road to our "new normal". This same generation that defines the future of medicine makes the advancement of PORTABLE ULTRASOUND TECHNOLOGY a timely upgrade in our medical diagnostic community. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
March 31, 2020 CANCER TREATMENT TECH REVIEW: ADVANCEMENTS IN PROTON THERAPY It is commonly observed that surgeons are increasingly using minimally invasive procedures. Whether it's robotic or video assisted surgeries, we can identify the pattern of new treatment protocols to result in higher quality of life and a reduction in toxicity. In doing so, it allows us, in some cases, to actually improve survival through those same methods of reducing toxicities for patients. According to Dr. Charles B. Simone II, Chief Medical Officer of the New York Proton Center, “We’re going to see more and more customized treatment; it's not a one size fits all approach to cancer. We are going to have individualized ways to deliver radiation therapy, individualized drugs or immune agents—and then, potentially more synergy between modalities such as radiation with systemic therapies.” (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
March 30, 2020 CANCER SURGEON USES TELEMEDICINE FOR SAFER VIRTUAL CONSULTS Dr. Stephen Chagares is a board certified general and breast surgeon in Monmoth Cty, NJ. He stays above the technology curve with patient care (not just by being a pioneer in the U.S. for conducting the first robotic mastectomy but by using TeleMedicine even before the Covid-19 Pandemic. "Some of the examples of TeleMedicine that have been very useful are in the elderly population. Many of them have never used the video function on their phones. And we, as my office helped them learn how to use that function, either bring an app onto the phone or using an indwelling app like FaceTime, and show the patient how easy it is to use it. Many times the first time I click on with the patient, I will implant them onto the video conference. I'll tell them to hit the accept button on the bottom right, and they hit it". (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
One of the current updates in patient care is the advancement of TELEMEDICINE. Thanks to the expansion of our web-based means of communication, doctors and patients are now able to convert the standard office visit to a virtual consultation or a remote, face-to-digital face exchange. Patients enjoy the benefits of the complete elimination of costly travel time and the potential viral exposure of sitting in a busy waiting room. By definition, TeleMedicine is the implementing of any health-related services and information through the use of electronic and telecommunication technologies. It allows for REMOTE patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions.(SEE ARTICLE LINK)
March 10, 2020 DEVELOPING CYBERKNIFE® AND THE ERA OF ETHICS IN ENGINEERING Today's engineering and medical technology (from the late 1980s) show significant evidence of ethical standards and major consideration for patient response. Ethics in treatment engineering covers all angles considered about the innovation including: the way it is built, the materials applied, the engagement of the operator and the aftermath of the patient.. “Historically, radiation CAUSED cancer, but that's because you didn't have precision then. You were basically irradiating healthy tissue. That's what you want to avoid at all costs. So the more precise you can be, the better - and we (Accuray) pride ourselves on exquisite and unparalleled precision,” says Ms. Fleurent. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
March 7, 2020 NYCRA PARTNERS WITH MOVEMBER™ TO SAVE MEN'S LIVES Alliances continue to form between philanthropic orgs and charitable foundations across the globe to undertake some of the most prominent missions in the never-ending battle against cancer. A stylishly memorable community group called MOVEMBER (crafted around growing moustaches to support fundraising for men's health) became NYCRA's most recent ally. Greg Oliva (Community Development mgr) joined NYCRA's online community in February, 2020 and has since been an active participant and supporter of our First Responders Cancer Resource and has also joined Dr. Bard's educational program for Prostate and Testicular Cancer diagnostics. Movember uses donations to invest quickly in innovative projects across the world. (SEE PROSTATESCAN PROJECT)
March 9, 2020 "TEACHING" T-CELLS TO KILL CANCER TUMORS (with Dr. Aisha Hasan) The initial success achieved by all researchers during this time have set the stage for the main development of T-cell therapies for cancer. According to Dr. Hasan, "what we've been able to do right so far with T-cell therapies is cancer antigens that are ubiquitously or constantly expressed on the surface of the cell. However, the bulk of cancer associated antigens present on solid tumors are in fact intra-cellular, and not easily targeted. They cannot be targeted with the CAR-T that have been approved thus far. Therefore, T-cells engineered to express TCRs are attractive as a therapeutic approach because they are able to target intra-cellular antigens associated with tumor cells.
Meanwhile the issue still remains that (so far) we have not been able to attack, cure or get to a good efficacy with solid tumors. Cancer cells typically have a very thick or dense conglomeration of tumor cells that are embedded within a very immune inhibitory micro-environment with very little blood supply... cells within the tumor actively inhibit the activity of T-cells. So a lot of our efforts at the moment are focused on the issue of the tumor micro-environment and how to target solid tumors with T-cells to make them more effective.". (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Feb. 24, 2020 DOCTOR SHOPPING 101 - by Sally Kalksma
People will test drive several cars, sample multiple paint colors on their living room wall, even try different hairstylists in a 10-mile radius before finding their perfect match, but people just won’t go through all that research and time to find the right doctor! I just can't understand why some people will take the tie to research what type of weed wacker to buy, but then just listen to the first doctor they talk to when they find out they have a serious illness. How does this make any sense? The first vacuum we see could have the worst suction power or shortest cord. We've got to shop around, yes, even for doctors. The first thing I did when a general oncologist diagnosed me with Multiple Myeloma 12 years ago was research. Research on the type of cancer I had, the different treatment plans available, and who the best Multiple Myeloma specialists in the world were. There is a reason why there is some saying that goes “reading is power”. As a good rule of thumb, it is ideal to get at least three opinions before settling on a doctor and treatment plan.(SEE ARTICLE LINK)
For many diagnostic applications, the real-time scanning ability of VASCULAR ULTRASOUND has greatly advanced the way injuries are read, identified and managed. Vascular ultrasound uses sound waves to evaluate the body's circulatory system. It also helps identify blockages in the arteries and veins and detect blood clots. This innovation is not radiation based, leaving no harmful side effects and out-performs many of today’s current counterparts including accuracy in scanning soft tissues that does not appear in x-rays. BLOOD FLOW technology is the “diagnostician’s storyteller”. It allows you to see which part of the skin is alive by the indication of active blood flow through the area- versus the skin that is dead or dying with no blood flow. In cases of burns, the margin of injury can extend once the burn has been completely cooled down. Since vascular ultrasound is safe sound waves, you can conduct frequent scans to monitor healing and progress every hour/every day until resolution. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Dec. 22, 2019 TODAY'S RADIOTHERAPY: CYBERKNIFE TECHNOLOGY (part 1) MEETING TODAY’S CHALLENGES FOR CANCER THERAPY Since the advent of radiation therapy (and the invention of the x-ray) over a century ago, the noninvasive treatment approach of radiotherapy continues to be recognized as one of the most forward-thinking technologies in the pursuit of targeting cancer tumors. The CyberKnife® Robotic RadioSurgery System represents the latest performance innovation in this modality for treating benign and malignant tumors as well as other chronic disorders. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Nov. 13, 2019
Community Leadership Power Meeting for First Responders Health Concerns- PILOT POWER-LUNCHEON MEETING #1 marked the first coordinated assembly of community-minded New Yorkers brought together to discuss the major concerns relating to public health and wellness among first responders. This conference pilot was produced by the NY Cancer Resource Alliance or NYCRA (a health education-based LINKEDIN group) and sponsored by AngioFoundation director Dr. Robert L. Bard. Other main guests included Director of Medical Operations /NY State Trooper Surgeons PBA MICHAEL BROOKS (Albany, NY) and Mrs. Mary Paterson, supporter of NY rescuers and wife of the 55th NYS Governor David Paterson. Both were invited because of their state government perspectives which opened wider insight and resource information about healthcare challenges of state and city government safety workers. The next speaker was celebrity wellness author and producer CAROL ALT who graced the discussion with her vast experience in Prevention and Early Detection alongside her life-long support for the FDNY. Meanwhile, on the healthcare side was leading cancer diagnostic specialist DR. ROBERT BARD, NYCRA mental health advisor JESSICA GLYNN, LCSW and physician DR. GEORGE LIAKEAS (provider of IvyGene cancer blood testing in NYC)- chosen for their clinical perspectives on clinical matters. Together, they formed the first Round Table Leadership Collaboration group. (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
Oct. 12, 2019
Survivor Michael Singer (L) gives appreciation to Mathew Knowles (R)
at Dr. Oz show for going public with his breast cancer for global awareness. Recent data reflecting actual cases about male breast cancer has finally reached the tipping point in the visibility scale as more news coverage from advocacy groups and victims finally ‘going public’ have filled the media. Thanks to survivors like Mathew Knowles (music producer and father of Beyoncé) who elected to publicize his breast cancer significantly contributed to public awareness, identifying this issue as a serious threat to public health. “One of our main objectives at the Male Breast Cancer Coalition is to publish all survivor stories to alert the men at large that this is not a cancer to ignore… it’s not so RARE or IMPOSSIBLE to contact,” states Cheri Ambrose, president. “Learning about Mr. Knowles’ story from the newspapers and Good Morning America, and then sharing airtime with him at Dr. Oz was such a powerful sign of support to our advocacy mission because he elected to use his own story and his celebrity to get people to pay attention. This is the kind of generosity that can truly save a lot of lives just on pure awareness alone!” (SEE ARTICLE LINK)
The NEW YORK CANCER RESOURCE ALLIANCE (or NYCRA) is a self-funded (Linkedin Based) independent volunteer group of non-profit foundations/charities, researchers, educators, community leaders and survivors collaborating to bring new support for cancer patients and survivors. We form a unique network of caregivers joined to establish a support system for one another- while driven to help those who need additional resources, technical updates or empowerment on the road to recovery.
NO POLITICS: We cut through the corporate red tape that tends to limit (and inhibit) most non-profit groups. We do this by simply reaching out, building relationships, extending a hand to help and joining LIKE-MINDS to make things happen.
Our ACTION PLAN includes:
- AWARENESS EFFORTS through public education
- PARTNERSHIPS on joint projects with cancer resources
- OUTREACH WORK to all cancer orgs, resources & survivors
- PUBLISHING cancer care news, articles, videos & book projects
- BUILDING new educational projects & resource groups
If you are a clinical professional, a survivor, a community leader or a caregiver, we want to meet you!
* This is a private group by invitation only. Our moderators reserve the right to flag any uninvited parties in order to keep our group members' privacy and the core theme of our community.
EVERYONE... "GET CHECKED NOW!" Spread the smart message of vigilance, proactivity and survivorship. Awareness about PREVENTION and EARLY DETECTION is a major 'weapon' in the battle against cancer. For survivors, GET CHECKED NOW is also about Recurrence Prevention and Remission Control. And for all friends, family and loved ones- we are driven to keep each other on the "shiny side of the grass" by outsmarting cancer in every way possible.
In my tenure as one of the founding directors of the Male Breast Cancer Coalition, I have met so many brave and inspiring men who have come forward about this plaguing disease. Against the odds, they stepped up to get a complete diagosis, underwent the process of cancer treatment and are still with us today- walking this earth to spread the word to others about how REAL Male Breast Cancer truly is! Recently, I have met a growing number of FIREFIGHTERS in our area who fell prey to this disorder. As OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS go, first responders carry some of the highest risk for cancers due to the exposure to some of the most horrible toxins. But the real danger is the stigma about getting Breast Cancer that keeps them from getting checkups. Thanks to NYCRA's "Get Checked Now" campaign, more and more are getting our message on time to address the cancer, and to stay vigilant about EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION about this cancer and all other cancers that threaten our lives.
NYCRA is a volutneer union of caregivers, educators, clinical professionals and survivors-turned-crusaders. One of our most powerful tools to help victims fight (and beat) cancer is AWARENESS. The medical partners and public advocates of NYCRA in conjunction with Awareness for a Cure and a list of cancer foundations offers some of the most enlightening and compassionate volunteer speakers to conduct presentations about public health awareness to bring comprehensive cancer education to large community groups & private orgs. We have some of the most recognized and dynamic coaches and speakers dedicated to bringing better understanding about cancer to all New Yorkers. Our seminars cover a wide variety of useful topics, current statistics, resources and the latest innovations. For more info. on our traveling speaker series or to inquire about booking an event, contact us at:
(Top video: courtesy of and Male Breast Cancer Coalition. Bottom Video: Courtesy of Dr. Noelle Cutter)
DR. NOELLE CUTTER Associate Professor at Molloy College Director/ Cancer Researcher
"My advocacy primarily is centered on education and raising public awareness for this disease and better choices patients/families can make. I work with primarily #undergraduate students and help them find their own voice in #advocacy and disseminating science #research to the public."
JESSE A. STOFF, MD Onco-Immunologist "I am so proud to meet the growing list of our new members... truly the salt of the earth and some of the most remarkable people doing incredible work. I personally have grown exponentially as a professional thanks to the joint efforts with folks like you all... let's all stay in the fight!"
TAMARA J GREEN, LCSW, Psychotherapist
"Happy to be a part of this great group!
"We created the Loving Meditations APP (Stress Management programs) that assist cancer patients, caregivers and survivors to dramatically reduce anxiety, pain and discomfort. ... I feel honored to share the benefits and tools of Mind Body Practices with all cancer support groups and hospitals."
REBECCA PINE: Grief Transformation Guide, Workshop Facilitator, Speaker -
"I lead workshops, primarily for breast cancer survivors, focusing on the inner healing process: self acceptance, reclaiming a sense of wholeness, and transformation. I love to incorporate nature, mindfulness, and creativity. Here is a video that shows a workshop series I'm doing combining art and nature for Westmed Medical Group in Rye"
NANCY NOVAK President/CEO of "My simple and profound wish is that no one will ever go through cancer alone. I want every man, woman, teenager, and child who has to ‘walk the walk’ to have a hand to hold from someone who has been there, who understands the cancer mystery, and who will hang in there when times are tough..."
see complete feature biography on Nancy
JENNIFER HUNT, Survivor & Chief fundraiser for "Fight Like a Girl" cancer charity organization. "Today, so many people have heard of our group whenever someone in our town that we know gets breast cancer. Our group brings support by getting together with anyone diagnosed-- and we’d share our experiences with breast cancer as far as what we've all been through and what we chose to do. That kind of support really eases people's minds."
JOHN FEAL, Cancer Care Advocate for all 9/11 Responders and Survivors
"It's an honor to be part of such a powerful list of heroes. My mission to bring support to the many victims of 9/11 extends to the new wave of cancer claims that continues to plague the many who were part of the tragedy. My many heart-felt thanks to our supporters. It's support from groups like this that make battling adversity and challenge truly worthwhile!"
NEWS FEATURE: MEDICAL CANNABIS TREND (part 1): WHERE ARE WE NOW? December 27, 2018- In July 2014, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature enacted the Compassionate Care Act to provide a comprehensive, safe and effective medical marijuana program that meets the needs of New Yorkers. According to the NYS Dept. of Health, medical marijuana is available in New York for patients with the following severe debilitating or life threatening conditions: cancer, HIV infection or AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord with objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, neuropathies, Huntington's disease, chronic pain, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and as a replacement to prescription opioids. see complete article. Also see Dr. T. O'Brien's article on "Considering CBD/THC Treatment
Spring 2019- Airtime at WBAB Mar 7, 2019- WBAB/WBLI Presents Plugged into Long Island- welcoming Dr. Andrew Rochman and awareness teammate, Jennifer Hunt of LI2DAY and Fight Cancer Like a Girl. Get to know the heart and soul behind two of Long Island's supporters of the care-giving community as they share their vision for patient advocacy, foundation support and all local fundraising efforts. Dr. Rochman shares his personal journey as a Prostate Cancer survivor and converted his survivorship by joining the awareness mission to support all sufferers and patients.
Allergan's textured breast implants have been at the center of an escalating safety scandal in recent months. Health Canada and its French counterpart ordered the removal of the drugmaker's Biocell implants from their respective markets earlier this year after analyzing cases of BIA-ALCL. Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration recently proposed a ban on the devices, too, with Wednesday being the deadline for Allergan to respond before regulators make a final decision. (See MedtechDive for complete article)
April 19, 2019, Dix Hills, NY- Stem Cell Specialist Dr. Andrew J. Rochman test-drove a new and growing trend in private seminars and clinical public speaking. Where doctors have often led to present on stage at medical conferences, trade shows and health and wellness expos, a new face in info-sharing presentation is sweeping the community of would-be patients in the most enjoyable and effective setting.
"Think about combining the classic Tupperware party with a post-college curriculum", starts education strategist Carmen R. DeWitt of Modern Pain Relief. "All you need is someone's large living room, an oversized TV (which is in practically every home in America by now) for the powerpoint, an engaging speaker about a topic like Stem Cell Therapy and a small spread of snacks and you've got yourself a cozy & dynamic medical seminar complete with a highly connective all-you-can-learn Q&A that outperforms any classroom setting! (See complete article in Journal of Modern Healing)
5/10/2018, NYC- THE LOTOS CLUB hosted the first educational presentatrion of AWARENESS FOR A CURE's "PREVENTION & EARLY DETECTION" which included Dr. Robert Bard and guest speaker Dr. Art Bartunek (nutrition expert) for a public health & awareness discussion. This is also the first meeting for the NY CANCER RESOURCE ALLIANCE members to discuss interactive education about all current cancer topics to community groups & organizations where recognized cancer professionals and medical experts can speak openly and directly with the public as a media prototype and a program for nationwide access. "Our allies from NYCRA collaborated on the many possible ways that we can bring continued awareness to the public about current options for all patients...", says the group's medical community advisor, Dr. Jesse Stoff. "...we hope to bring speakers from all walks of the cancer support community to represent their mission and share their perspectives -- from medical directors to alternative & holistic professionals, nutritionists, professors, cancer coaches, research labs, scientific analysts to the cancer foundations and fundraisers... the topics are endless and so is the work that goes behind the community of professionals on the front lines of battling cancer." See complete article
NYCRA is a group of professionals who are committed to helping others in the fight against cancer! From saving lives to creating valuable information to building and growing charities that bring true support to others, NYCRA is a special network of compassionate and courageous crusaders. REFER A FELLOW CANCER FIGHTER with the "INVITE OTHERS" button!
There are many ways to provide support and care & NYCRA members do it every day! Some are in the clinical front lines of treating cancer patients while others bring aid to the suffering through an expanded list of public support. Meet our fellow members and ask them questions about their work. It's the greatest way to learn just how wide the world of care truly is!
"Only together can we truly succeed" is our founder's networking motto. NYCRA bridges many new relationships which has the potential to become life-long friends, collaborative partners or referral connections. Our unique society of caregivers thrives on new information, awareness and partnerships with experts- which makes people-connecting a vital part of our professional existence! MEET THE GROWING FAMILY OF NYCRA!
IF YOU ARE A CANCER-RELATED PROFESSIONAL AND WISH TO JOIN OUR GROUP, please drop us a line at: AWARENESS4ACURE@GMAIL.COM and send us any information about you and your life's mission.
As with all social media groups, The New York Cancer Resource Alliance was created with the hopes of providing better connectivity with colleages and exclusively selected members with similar common interests in the cancer community or have chosen to pursue care-giving work in this field. From medical doctors to survivors, book publishers to cancer coaches, fundraisers and advocates and the many other roles in between, our founders established this group to help unite this special community through the benefits of digital media and grow lasting relationships going forward.
Through the spirit of networking, NYCRA allows for easier introductions, safer and healthier connecting through a more efficient use of the existing social & digital media. This media is also a highly-useful platform for for information sharing of educational or news material.
The world of cancer care is comprised of some of the most dedicated and compassionate individuals who committed much (if not most) of their lives into the pursuits of helping others. To truly get in the fight, there is no better way than to bond with colleagues and gain the support of our fellow do-gooders. AFAC and NYCRA has been established to bring support to the existing resources (that's YOU) in the form of increasing your web visibility, new exposure to your events or article posts and grow your alliance.
There's no denying that the internet brings the world closer! But unlike other websites, LINKEDIN is a special vibe over others because everyone here is a professional. That's the spirit of networking in action. You may find corporate owners, medical directors and others who have decision making power to help others (including fundraising orgs). This is just one of the ways that AFAC helps to bring visibility to our cancer related friends.
Once you have joined the group, the FORUM allows for easy POSTING of blog articles, links to interesting websites, videos or announcements... information that helps enrich others. Please start by reading the GROUP RULES. We respect the privacy and expectations of our many members and in order to get the best experience, we need to ensure that our group website is COMMERCIAL-FREE from solicitors and spammers. Because of this, we have a MODERATOR reviewing all posts & member applicants with the ability to flag any solicitous marketing posts that may otherwise be deemed "self-serving".
If you're a new member, WELCOME! We invite you to post a non-sales'y introduction of yourself to everyone in our home page and let people know who you are. We suggest to start your first post as a BRIEF intro of 100 words. Keep it about YOU and not as much about your work or service- that can happen later. As members of the cancer community, all members are compassionate to the cause and is a great place to build new connections based on your personal mission. Your intro should reflect this.
Disclaimer & Copyright Notice: Copyright (c) 2021, IntermediaWorx inc. All Rights Reserved. Additional rights shared by: The AngioFoundation (501c3) and the publishers of & The NY Cancer Resource Alliance []. Contents in this article are provided publicly for informational purposes within non-commercial use and not for purposes of resale, distribution, commercial display or performance. Unless otherwise indicated on this web based page, no reproduction of any or all materials of this page is allowed without express/written permission from the publishers. Additional permission may be required from third-parties who have provided limited permission for our publishers to use their content, whereas licenses for some of this Content may contain additional terms. When such Content licenses contain additional terms, we will make these terms available to you on those pages (which his incorporated herein by reference).The publishers/producers of this site and its contents such as videos, graphics, text, and other materials published are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, please always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health provider. Do not postpone or disregard any professional medical advice over something you may have seen or read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 9-1-1 immediately. This website does not support, endorse or recommend any specific products, tests, physicians, procedures, treatment opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this site. Referencing any content or information seen or published in this website or shared by other visitors of this website is solely at your own risk. The publishers/producers of this Internet web site reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify, disable access to, or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, all or any part of this Internet web site or any information contained thereon without liability or notice to you.